Therapeutic Embodiment

Personal Development Course

A 6 month journey to increase your presence, capacity and heartfulness.

Transform your nervous system and relationships

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    A 6 month healing journey to focus on you.

    If you have been waiting for a perfectly curated and spaced out healing journey, the TE 2024 container is here:

    A self-paced study program, along side monthly LIVE healing and training sessions with Ava.

    This is your opportunity to perfect your healing practice, and to actually do the work; with mentor and community accountability.

    Your wisest, most peaceful, embodied and grounded self is waiting to be nurtured.

    With the right ingredients; support, perspectives and practice, your results are guaranteed.


    Your training program includes (7) 2.5hour live trainings with Ava


    We start on May 25th with a bonus group ritual to start our journey together;

    Finding alignment, deeper purpose, self-connection and rest.

    Module 1

    Module 3

    Module 2

    The FS 3 Steps to healing.

    Applying the new paradigm of healing to being a trauma- informed helping professional.

    The fundamental nervous system imbalance.

    Step 1: Psychoeducation

    The biological experiences of suffering, capacity, frameworks and content.

    Complex trauma and the Spiral effect.

    Cultivating and healing.

    Attunement and self-reflection practices for a functional approach the boundary setting, self-care and relationship.

    Module 4

    Module 5

    Module 6

    Completing the energy.

    Somatic psychology, bottom up approaches and how movement and fascia contribute to nervous system regulation.

    7 elements of the TE practice.

    The foundations of therapeutic movement and embodiment.

    Non-dual Awakening and healing.

    How "Being" and our stillness essence core bring presence, love and embodiment to healing spaces.

    These Live trainings will flow alongside:

    12 Live Therapeutic Embodiment sessions

    6 months of self-paced meditation and somatics modules

    Over 7 months from May - November.


    Is this course right for me?

    In this intimate container with Ava, you will journey through guided practice sessions, group trainings, study and private mentoring and support.

    This is the only offering with Ava that is 100% online and includes 1:1 mentoring.


    Payment details

    Are you ready to join a community, gain a mentor and open your heart with healing?

    You can access 1:1 coaching and the incredible course material from April 1st.

    Pay in Full

    payment PLAN

    one payment of $3299

    8 monthly payments

    of $434

    ava irani

    Lead teacher

    Ava is the director of Functional Spirituality and the popular yoga and meditation centre Spanda School. She is a philosopher with a degree from the University of Sydney, retreat leader, business owner and somatic therapist. Her deepest passions are non-dual philosophies, community healing and looking at the impacts of spirituality.

    Ava's path started with a ferver for awakening and non-duality. However over the years her path has matured with a more functional approach. Her work now considers the wide-spread complex trauma that lies at the heart of almost every obstacle to happy, healthy and connected living, and marries profound mystical approaches with nervous system regulation.

    She has trained with Paul Muller-Ortega (Blue throat yoga), NARM (complex trauma), Cecily Milne (yoga detour) to name a few.

    Ava is predominantly known for her thriving yoga studio, silent retreats and the phenomenal teachers that emerge from her yoga and trauma-informed certifications. She lives in beautiful Western Australia with her family and animals.

    In 2024, you have the option to take the Therapeutic Embodiment training purely for self-healing, knowledge and discovery.

    For the full orientation pack, please contact us.

    Are you looking for the Therapeutic Embodiment FACILITATOR TRAINING?

    For the Facilitator certificate training and to learn the difference, please



    Interested in the Therapeutic Embodiment Training?


    Our short questionnaire will help you to reflect on and clarify your next steps towards healing, grounded-ness and peace being a part of your lifestyle.